Matheus' Website

My name is Matheus Degiovani and this is my personal website/blog/web presence.

I'm a lifelong technologist currently performing freelance work for Decred and other clients.

If you want to get in touch with me, drop me a line at

In this website you can read an informal introduction about myself, check out my CV (here's some cool stuff I've worked on) or read a few blog posts I eventually manage to write.

Latest Posts

Split Tickets & LN Part 1 - MRTTREE

11 November 2019

The first part on how to provide split ticket services via LN by defining a new smart contract structure called MRTTREE (Multi-Redeemer Transactions Tree).

TL;DR This proposes a Smart Contract construct tailored to the use case of a group of users which wish to collectively pool their funds into a single utxo and then be able to redeem these funds either cooperatively off-chain via LN or uncooperatively on-chain safely, in a non-custodial way and with the smallest possible impact to the blockchain. We can achieve this by creating a new opcode, using a series of transactions with scripts inspired by LN Submarine Swaps[3] [4] , Channel Factories[5] [6] and HTLCs[1] and a special service offered by an entity willing to swap funds between the two layers. ... Read More

Decred wants you: Be one of the first to test the DCR Lightning Network

25 April 2019

Decred's Lightning Network is now available on testnet! Learn about how to participate and contribute to the project.

The Lightning Network peer-to-peer payment protocol promises to deliver the scalability, privacy and speed needed to spur crypto’s mass adoption. At the end of 2017, Decred activated the on-chain consensus rules required to develop DCR Lightning Network. The approval of this change was nearly unanimous at 99.50%, and developers began working on building the foundation for LN features. Today, the Decred development team is proud to unveil this pivotal work: the official testnet release for dcrlnd - our Lightning Network wallet and node software! ... Read More

DCP0004 or "On RCs and fully testing consensus changes"

7 February 2019

DCP0004 has been released for stakeholder review. But why is it needed? This explores the need for writing this consensus rule change.

DCP0004 has just been released for appreciation by the stakeholders and will (hopefully) be held for voting in the next few months. But what is the importance of it? TL;DR The 1.4.0rc1 and rc2 release candidates had an unintended change that caused several reorgs due to miners allowing transactions in blocks that previous versions rejected (a hard fork). Some (or one or a few) miners upgraded and started generating hard forked blocks and now we have to carry a new vote to correct this behavior so that Lightning Network transactions can function. ... Read More

Challenges of Decred Ticket Splitting

30 March 2018

A discussion of the challenges and requirements for splitting the ticket purchases of Decred

I’ve recently released an alpha version of a ticket splitting matcher service on testnet. This post is meant to be a summary of the challenges of building a split ticket service and to serve as reference for their future development. Ticket Transaction (SStx) Layout Requirements A ticket purchase transaction (usually referred on decred’s source code as an SStx) must have a well defined layout, detailed in the IsSStx function1 : ... Read More

Pilha Tecnológica das Criptomoedas 3 - Rede Distribuída

11 January 2018

Terceiro artigo na série sobre tecnologia de criptomoedas, abordando a rede distribuída de troca de informações

Este é o terceiro artigo em uma série sobre a tecnologia de criptomoedas. Comece pelo primeiro para acompanhar desde o começo. Uma blockchain criptográfica é útil em qualquer situação que requeira uma estrutura de dados com garantia de imutabilidade. Apenas com uma blockchain dessa natureza, já é possível construir uma moeda digital pública permissionada: uma moeda que apenas uma entidade central ou alguns participantes confiáveis possam modificar mas que qualquer outro nó possa verificar a integridade. ... Read More

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